Herpes Blitz Protocol Review. Should You Try It or Not?

Herpes simplex is a condition many people around the world endure on a daily basis. Herpes Blitz Protocol claims to alleviate the virus totally.  I myself have the oral type where the virus outbreaks are normally around the mouth and nose area. I guess for me this all started at the age of 16. I think for everyone who has this virus it starts with a sore blister (also known as cold sores) around the lips or nose in my case.

With this Herpes Blitz Protocol Review I would have saved a large amount of cash not purchasing needed expensive treatments. I found if not treated within a day with a prescribed ointment or lotion the blister breaks into a weeping eruption. Apart from being sore it’s also unsightly and can be embarrassing depending on social situations.

I often find myself unable to shave fearing a cut to one of my skin lesions. Being unshaven in a professional setting is often not acceptable. I really don’t know how I came to be encumbered with this lifelong virus but my father and one brother are also afflicted.

If Herpes Blitz Protocol had been found and designed then so many people suffering throughout the world could have the alleged remedy they have been searching for over the years. If you can’t afford topical treatments without Herpes Blitz Protocol life could be miserable when the out breaks occur.

Over the years I only found one medication that was really effective, In the UK its trade name is Zovirax, It is prescribed by your general practitioner and has a hefty price for such a small tube, but it does work in alleviating the symptoms quickly.

The Drivers Behind Herpes Blitz Protocol Product Development.

The guy who developed the Herpes Blitz Protocol, Josh Parker, was a British army officer who was suffering from herpes; unfortunately for him he infected his girlfriend which caused the breakup of his relationship which is always traumatic for one party if not both.

While in the British army he had been deployed to Morocco working alongside his military counterparts. While on this deployment he found that the incidence of herpes among Moroccans is very low and after scientific research he was able to isolate the three key ingredients that kept the herpes virus at bay and even cured the virus within a short a time, just 21 days. He decided to scientifically develop a protocol, now known as the Herpes Blitz Protocol. This analysis shares with the worlds herpes suffers.

I found the Herpes Blitz Protocol by researching and also by recommendation from a friend (who did not suffer from the virus). The Herpes Blitz Protocol is based on healthy living, exercise, sleep and good diet with the inclusion of some key ingredients, traditionally found in the North Africa country of Morocco. Is this a gift from god for people who enjoy the cuisine from this country or a nightmare thinking this is impossible food for the burger loving fast food society we live in today?  Let’s look at the main ingredients.

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Key Ingredients

  • Curcumin
  • Resveratrol
  • Quercetin

So now we know the key ingredients, pretty impressive I am sure you agree! If you research closely there is a common thread running through the ingredients mainly used in this Herpes Blitz Protocol Review. Have you spotted the omission? No mention of having any medical or therapeutic remedies that will affect a virus like Herpes simplex.

In my humble opinion the claims are bogus, viruses mutate when attacked. Viruses are fantastic bio engineers changing all the time. The Herpes virus hides itself deep within the nerve ganglia being dormant until the next time your immune system I suppressed, may be because you have a cold or an infection, this is when they emerge from bring dormant causing you to feel effects of the virus.

What Are the Benefits of Trying Herpes Blitz Protocol?

I think the benefits could be many starting with the ingredients are readily available in any good supermarket or Asian/African market, the later being more prevalent than you may imagine, so firstly, we are saving huge amounts of cash on purchasing expensive medicine. These ingredients contain so many nutrients your body and health in general should improve as your body draws the benefits from these well known powerful ingredients.

Herpes Blitz Protocol gives precise instructions on how to make the smoothie (Yes a smoothie how easy is that to do and who doesn’t like a smoothie). By drinking these smoothies as prescribed in the Herpes Blitz Protocol it is alleged the biggest benefit and reward will come within a short 21- day period; the eradication of the virus that has been troubling you for a long time. Let me repeat…Eradicate the virus; take a moment to understand the effect this will have on your day to day life.

Disadvantages of Using Herpes Blitz Protocol.

You will realize Herpes Blitz Protocol is not a strawberry smoothie and some may find perseverance is the order of the day, for most these ingredients are not a daily taste so it may become intolerable to drink without real perseverance. You will need to consult your doctor informing him of your intentions to start using Herpes Blitz Protocol, get the clearance particularly if you suffer from allergies.

Who should buy Herpes Blitz Protocol?

Anyone suffering from herpes wanting to try an alternative to expensive medication and gain the additional health benefits from using the Herpes Blitz Protocol.

Where to Buy Herpes Blitz Protocol?

Check the company web site www.herpesblitzprotocol.com. you will also find a lot of other links offering discounts for the same product.


Viruses by their very nature mutate making them very difficult to treat at a systemic level. If this Herpes Blitz Protocol Review written objectively states pessimism if the product works then why didn’t my general practitioner prescribe it to me by now. Having said that the ingredients used in Herpes Blitz Protocol are wholesome in nature so you are unlikely to suffer from any side effect which in these days of prescription drugs is a claim that many alleged cures for a condition like herpes is amazing in itself. I will give it a shot and update you on the progress.

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